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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Life doesn’t like to lead human beings by hand. Just the opposite, life likes to be led. She likes to be known, processed, improved, managed and lived. Life hates those that make her push – the resigned, apathetic and tepid ones… Life is generous and available towards those who take initiative, those who want to give her value and those that have faith in her. She loves those that act upon her. Since forever she is there, exactly for this. Dead are the ones that let life...

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The spectators tremble As long pink breezes Rise onto the dark stage To caress Sobbing lost souls Hidden by the white smoke of incense. On the silver tower The bell is silent. Up high Orion’s belt Unites with The Milky way.

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Human relationships within companies, like those within the couple, are essentially of four types: cooperation, retaliation, domination and isolation. Usually relationships start with cooperation until reciprocal needs are met. Then various demands emerge and retaliation begins. Following this, one person or group seeks to assume control over the other and domination begins. At this point the dominator uses the other to satisfy its needs. When the dominated person or group...

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As night spreads along the river I saw myself reflected in your eyes And I withdrew scared By your petrified soul The trumpets of justice already sound out In the empty sky Only you and I remain Three nightingales sing Among the rose thorns. Don’t ever look back.

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Beware of the people that never criticize you, that continuously compliment you, that never question themselves, that don’t communicate, that don’t express their feelings, all the while justifying themselves because of education, family or other excuses. Above all, stay away from people that continuously try to please you. Rather than helping you overcome the fragile part of yourself, they seek to satisfy it, provoke it. They fill you with illusions, dreams, fantasy. They...

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