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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


After almost forty years of being a practitioner of psychotherapy I’m convinced that human beings come fully awake when they suffer and, even more, when they are dying, and that idea radically contradicts the modern idea that humanity’s future runs in a straight and continuous line toward progress.  Contrarily for some time now in my numerous books I have been saying that earthly life is only one of the ways of living God gives us, and it can only be understood by seeing...

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I am convinced that only spiritual being can lead us to a true understanding of life’s goal.  This spiritual awareness accompanies men and women in a dignified way even through illness and suffering to the end of earthy existence.  It is an enormous error, which many fall into, to give life in this world a finality different from that of the next world.  That error produces dangerous neuroses and an existential emptiness that nothing can fill.  It creates desperation.  It...

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LUNA NERA – BLACK MOON On Amazon you can now find the book of poetry in Italian and English I wrote during my retreat in a hermitage in the Tuscan countryside of Italy after having returned from Latin America, where I did university teaching.  It is my first e.book, and I am especially fond of it because it awakened deep in my heart ancient sounds and colors.  So much so that I believe it will be my new and authentic witness in this important historic period.  For me,...

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THE ALBISETTIAN SOUL To my way of thinking, the soul resides deep in the heart of a man and in his psychic unconscious.  It is also part of his dreams, his poetry, his religion, and the mystery of his being (a propos of which, today the book of poetry in Italian and English I wrote during a retreat has become available through Amazon).  If you have the courage to go deep and open up that marvelous place within yourself, you will find the Spirit there.  I am convinced that...

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Those who are falsely modest believe themselves strong and present themselves as good people, interested in others, and careful with them, but they are actually false, bogus, and cowardly.  They don’t have the courage to show who they really are.  They’re afraid to show their true selves.  An awareness of your own limits gifts others with real humility, which has nothing in common with false modesty.  Humilty is a byproduct of wisdom, but false modesty is a result of...

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