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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


The second stage is denial. Denial serves to remain in the illusion that nothing has happened and everything will return as before. But obviously this is not the case. Denial then is the second defense mechanism that helps to take the time to be able to better face the loss. Third stage: substitution. At times the reaction to loss is a quick replacement of the lost one believing everything can return to normal. Unfortunately, avoiding grief is impossible and those that do...

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On the other hand, if you don’t process the grief, you will lose the meaning of life. You enter into a psychospiritual neurosis in which you lose the desire to live. You fall into existential boredom, interior emptiness, depression, up to letting yourself die. Processing grief does not mean forgetting, but rather giving a different meaning to reality– the people or things, that have become precious to us. There are various stages, moments, in this process, which...

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