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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Unless we really live the moments we’ve been given to take steps to change ourselves and move into other modes of living, they nag us until we are obliged to live them. There’s a moment given for everything. The human person isn’t so stupid and mediocre that he doesn’t know that. From his birth he continually makes himself over – or at least that’s what he’s called to do. As long as he’s unaware of his call to transformation...

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My psychospirituality is partly based on ancient, mystical traditions, by way of the great, Judeo-Christian tradition of Sacred Scripture, ending within the world of Christian, humanistic spirituality. I’m glad that today science, especially modern physics, has begun to take spirituality more seriously. Modern physics tells us that the physical world surrounding us – from rocks to grass, from water to air – is made up of particles of energy, which are in...

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