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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


- Watches over the workers, praising effort and correcting errors. - Values the both the human and professional sides of people. - Prizes the individual but also the group. - Is tolerant. - Is not afraid to govern events. - Follows his or her instinct and personal sensibility. - Remembers that he or she is always dealing with people, divine...

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-       Always keeps the doors open to staff members. -       Is generous with information. Informed workers participate better. -       Holds frequent meetings in order to create team spirit. -       Organizes informal lunches where people can speak freely. -       Eats well and keeps fit. -       Chooses the job best suited to each personality. -       Always fosters a peaceful...

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<!– .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } –> My leader (or jokingly the “Albisettian”) leader should also: - Always tell his workers exactly what they can expect. - Maintain rules for work hours and expected behavior in order to give security. - Do away with the traditional hierarchies. - Rotate responsibilities so that everyone knows one other and jealousy and envy are reduced. - Treat everyone...

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When selecting people to be part of his or her group, my leader: - Remembers that they must share his or her ideals. - Uses unconventional interview methods to find talent. - Chooses optimists, not pessimists. - Ensures the people chosen truly want the job. - Chooses indefatigable workers for the most delicate tasks.

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My leader must be: Bold in projects; attentive to details. Full of original, unconventional, energetic and ever stimulating ideas. He should avoid publically making critical observations of workers. Rather he should make them privately, in loyalty to the workers. He should choice a vice that shares the same ethical and moral values; a loyal but not too obliging person who knows how to work with others. (to be continued)

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