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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Once we come to a spiritual awareness it’s hard to lose it. And when we’ve completed whatever our task is on earth, we won’t be thanked for it. Rather, we’ll have to thank the Father, who allowed us to be fulfilled in His service. We are only instruments for Him to put to creative use according to His will. In each of our hearts there’s a divine, a mysterious presence. The Holy Spirit. But until we have inner freedom, until we’re at peace...

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With a pure heart we can be at peace. But sensing God in our hearts, we long to communicate and share Him with others. Once we recognize and acknowledge the Truth, we have to move from knowledge to action, to works. We have to react. Get busy. So I help others purify their hearts. That’s the only way I can place myself at God’s service.

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We need to realize that, having arrived at inner peace, peace of heart, we’ll have to undergo persecution from all those who don’t posses it and who don’t want it spread, because they take advantage of the lack of inner peace in the world for their own warped motives. They become financially rich and socially powerful precisely by feeding on the fear and lack of inner peace of others. But we mustn’t let any of this destroy us!

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I hope my books, my blog, all my writings, help you not to stoop to compromise in your faith but help you to obey God alone, led by pure and free hearts. More than anything else, most people dream about having lots of money, but that’s something I can’t help my readers with. With my writings the only thing I can help do is re-awaken souls, stir people to finish what they see as the sensible journey of their lives and enter the spiritual realm. To arrive at...

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As I see it, God is an inaccessible mystery and man’s source of life’s liberating energy. The important thing is to enjoy this energy as one would enjoy the sun’s heat – exposing oneself to its light and synchronizing one’s rhythms to its rhythm. The danger in trying to depict God is the risk of confusing our images of Him with His Reality.

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