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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


I’ve received requests from your messages to deepen the topic of grief after a separation… I’ll try to do that in a few posts. Each passage in our psychospiritual journey begins with the end of an era. If we remain attached to a person or to a time, we won’t be able to go forward on the journey and we will stay imprisoned in illusion and dreams and we become sterile from the psychspiritual point of view. Before entering into the new we have to let go...

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Once we have understood that the world is essentially good, we have to thank God for having letting us be born. And so dear readers the moment has come to believe in ourselves. The moment has come to follow our vocations. At a certain point of our existence we must run the risk of believing in ourselves. To reclaim our deepest aspirations and try to fulfill them, cost what it may, beyond money, success or fame. To accept the unpredictability of life, to understand that true...

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When someone is the object of another’s neurosis, or on other words whey they become the projection, that person is not seen in their true identity, because the evil one does not want to see the person for what that person is, for what that person wants to be. When people project their experiences onto others they don’t want them to live–in their diversity, complexity, autonomy, or authenticity. Inside itself the evil person erases the identity of the...

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  Reading your emails and comments on the blog and Facebook, I understand that the posts on vocation or mission require some deepening, even if these high-tech methods don’t allow us to treat the issue in an exhaustive way. For this reason I recommend my next book, due out in the Spring and published by the Paulines, entitled, “FREE TO LOVE.” In this book I have gathered passages from some of my other books on this theme. I begin with this post and maybe then some others on...

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