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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Once we have understood that the world is essentially good, we have to thank God for having letting us be born. And so dear readers the moment has come to believe in ourselves. The moment has come to follow our vocations. At a certain point of our existence we must run the risk of believing in ourselves. To reclaim our deepest aspirations and try to fulfill them, cost what it may, beyond money, success or fame. To accept the unpredictability of life, to understand that true obstacles are not found outside of ourselves, but often end up being us. We fall into the traps of power, money, or sex because we live them as solutions, as compensation for our feelings of unworthiness and limitation, because we have lost the meaning of our kingly dignity as children of God. In life we desparately try to not be forgotten, to not be abandoned. Often we are in relationships deluding ourselves that we feel loved. We turn to psychology for the answers. But it’s all in vain. It’s all ephemeral and limited. We have forgotten that God has loved us from forever, since before we were born, that God wanted our birth to give us a last chance to grow. We have forgotten that God knows each of us, even the exact number of hairs on our head. Let’s remember this.

    1 Commento

  1. Quanto vere sono queste parole, Grazie Valerio

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