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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Why, at this point of my eartly existence, am I even more convinced that the task of each human being is to leave some trace of his or her passage on earth? Some leave children, others money and there are those who leave messages, ideas. To be message bearers. Bearers of meaning for having been seekers of meaning. For my entire life, I have tried to understand the mystery of humanity and I have come up against the mystery of death. Death, not as something that ends but as a...

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I want to tell my readers of my intention to start an association that promotes my work after I am gone. It will be a non-profit, cultural, spiritual and psycho-spiritual association similar to the vision I have founded during my existence; an association that can unite the big family of readers who recognize themselves in my books and share the same vision for their lives. The association could be international since there are already contact persons in various countries...

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<!– .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } –> In this society where a sense of solitude and abandonment is widespread and where deep communication has disappeared, sex has become the only act in which one human being can feel united with another.

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<!– .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } –> Many people base their lives on security, reducing risks to a minimum and never facing new experiences. But to truly live we must leave the known for the unknown. We must abandon certainty for uncertainty. Usually a person is afraid of the new when she insecure; when she is dying.

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The process of falling in love fulfills our neuroses and needs. It begins and ends in illusions and sex. Love however, is part of a psycho-spiritual growth journey. And because of this -even its roots are found in vital desire and physical attraction- love obligates us to emerge from the logic of dominion and possession, towards a logic of welcoming, listening and service to the other.

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