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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


The spiritual awareness I write about in my books (published in Italy by Ed.Paoline) can’t be forced on anyone as a requirement. It contains within itself the mechanism which allows its unfolding, just as an acorn contains within it everything needed to become a tree. Of course it will need to be watered by silence, meditation, and prayer. Our thoughts must never be in conflict with the plans of the universe.
God doesn’t seem to have left any trace of Himself in the material world, so spiritual awareness is not a physical sensation but rather a specific dimension of reality, hidden in our corporal existence. When we enter this dimension, we feel ourselves loved and cared for by the infinite intelligence of God, who is the font of our being.

    1 Commento

  1. Grazie, per saper tradurre così bene in parole il Respiro della Verità: è uno dei doni che Dio ti ha dato- per tutti noi. Un cordiale saluto.

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