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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



As long as the inhabitants of this time continue to listen to the people in power that make them believe suffering and death are not proof of sense that regards each of them, they will never know their true humanity. Without suffering, without death there is no greatness, there is no life. One becomes superficial, arrogant, banal, mean, vulgar. exactly like the heroes of this time, created by the mass media, by advertising. These heroes believe they are real but it’s only an illusion, because they are strangers to mortality―their own and others. In reality, they don’t live. They believe they are powerful but they are only powerless and fearful. For this reason they want to flee from the reality of suffering and death. The person who accepts his or her own death and weakness, is not resigned, nor aggressive, but active and open to change. This person is vital, truly optimistic and has good self esteem. She is able to transform situations, because she was able to transform her own weakness. A spiritually healthy person, when he or she makes a mistake, knows that it is the moment to recognize his or her limits. This attitude will bring that person to make fewer and fewer mistakes, because the person has increased in humanity, not in perfection.

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