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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


TO EXIST OR TO HAVE TO EXIST today these dimensions are perceived and lived untied from each other, if not in opposition. In my psycho-spiritual vision they are lived and experienced in a continuous and constructive relationship, so much so that the first is a prerequisite for the second. For this reason my humanism and all of the thinking that I leave to my readers affirms that God must be sought inside men and women, more than in the heavens. Because it serves the wicked teachers of these times to make people believe that God is far from us and that it’s useless to still hope or believe in a journey of personal and social awareness. To conclude this thought: To exist not oppose “having to exist,” but it presupposes and demands it. In fact, a “having to exist,” which is not guided and motivated by an authentic and spontaneous existence, becomes false moralism and arid and insensitive spirituality.

    1 Commento

  1. Oggi in special modo nelle parrocchie vedo fedeli che si impegnano in tanti servizi per anni, e poi ai primi diverbi con il sacerdote o con altri o per qualche disavventura personale o familiare si allontanano, scompaiono. Noi Cristiani pensiamo che le nostre opere ci salvano, per esse andremo in paradiso, siamo tutti un pò bigotti lontani dal nostro essere unici e irripetibili. Grazie anche a te Valerio in me cresce la consapevolezza che il Regno dei Cieli inizia ora, qui, dentro noi stessi.


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