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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Self-awareness and spirit-awareness: When these two are in equilibrium and in harmony, we will be healthy. When, however, they are are unbalanced and in disharmony one with the other, we will be sick. The symptoms are important, since they indicate the loss of balance and harmony. The symptoms are our allies and shouldn’t be struggled against because they point the way to really understanding the sickness. The symptoms are never wrong; they know us well, and they indicate how we can recover our health. If we pay attention to them, we will be restored to health and, more importantly, we will grow in self-awareness and in spirit-awareness.

    1 Commento

  1. E’ vero, l’accettazione amorevole in stato di osservazione priva di giudizio, permette nel tempo una migliore armonia e consapevolezza corporea, psicologica e spirituale. Grazie Valerio. Che Dio ti Benedica Ti mostri il Suo Volto e Ti dia la Sua Pace.

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