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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



The world was not created in order to be violated, nor society to be unjust, but rather to be in harmony with human beings, in the same way human beings should be in harmony with God. The law written by God lives in the hearts of men and women. Moral conscience and obeying it is the dignity of men and women, and according to this law they will be judged. Moral conscience and psychospiritual awareness are the most secret and sacred nucleus of men and women, in function of which they unite to seek truth, alone and in society with others. (Excerpt from LA VITA. Fragilita del cuore. Valerio Albisetti. Ed. Paoline)

    1 Commento

  1. Nel piano di Dio c’era fratellanza universale,ma l’egoismo umano ha rotto gli equilibri.Rimettere la dignità dell’uomo al di sopra di ogni sistema per ritrovare il giusto equilibrio

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