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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita

Life on earth, for me.

Earth should be the place where material goods serve the joy of all. They are a gratuitous gift from God to the humanity that God created. The perception of the earth as a gift of God obligates society to base itself as a concrete need for social sharing and personal collaboration.Recognizing earth as gift means recognizing its destiny for common use to struggle against egoism and injustice. Instead the globalized, consumerist and capitalistic society of today – western society above all - does everything to divide and separate the individual from the earth, from others, from society, from the world and from God, rendering the person empty and powerless, and untied from the surrounding world.Only the capacity to transcend, the capacity to go beyond the self, can save the human being from his tragic solitude and make him feel in union with the world and with the real. (excerpt from “LIFE, Fragility of the Heart” ed. Paoline, soon to be available on www.amazon.com.)

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