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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


My psycho-spirituality is a search. Ever since I was a child I have always asked myself, who am I, where do I come from, what will I become. Ever since then I decided not to let life pass over my head without trying to grasp it and comprehend its meaning. Only like so did I come into contact with mystery. Psycho-spirituality is the desire to give meaning to the mysteriousness of life. It is a continuous interrogation of myself, while knowing that I will never reach the whole, final answer.

    1 Commento

  1. .
    “E’ interrogarsi continuamente, pur sapendo che non si giungerà mai ad una risposta esaustiva, finale”

    Non giungendoti mai, a te giunsi.

    Le cose giungono. Alle volte, stando fermi. Senza fare tanti giri in tondo. Andando solo verso sè stessi. Poca strada, infine, da farsi. Molta per trovarsi…non sapendo di essere sempre stati, a se stessi, aderenti…

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