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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


In the books I have had published by Ed.Paoline within the last 25 years (more innocent times), I have pointed out that the earth was created to be our companion and friend, with which human beings are called to collaborate – meaning, not controlling and exploiting it, but cooperating with and respecting it. Just like any rapport among human beings, rapport with the earth shouldn’t be one of superiority or inferiority, but of reciprocity and creativity. Work must be based on justice, destining the fruits of the earth to be used for the common good and not for unjust and egotistical hoarding in the hands of a few. This understanding of our rapport with our work, which is both old and new, substitutes the qualitative principle of social justice for the quantitative work principle.

    1 Commento

  1. Ho letto sul Suo libro “Diventa ciò che sei” che ci sarebbe la possibilità di iscriversi ad un percorso di psicospiritualità nel Suo eremo toscano.
    Potrei avere informazioni al riguardo? Io e mia zia saremmo molto interessate.
    Valentina e Liliana

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