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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Entire generations are being constructed like armies of obedient and empty beings, moved only by the economic or consumerist needs in which they place their personal identities; beings capable only of utilitarian relationships – while what we need are interpersonal relations that are rich in creativity, spiritual values and full of humanity. In a society in which people must be in relationship – regardless of enormous geographic and linguistic differences – with people they don’t know and have never seen, psycho-spiritual richness is an indispensable value. It’s evident that one should also evaluate the historical, social, economic, political data of a situation, but in a democracy the ability of a person to reflect in an autonomous way and not conform to tradition -and above all the dominating power- is vital.

    2 commenti

  1. Valerio.. dovresti creare anche su facebook questi fantastici spunti di riflessione in modo da avere più visibiltà e rendere più efficace e penetrante la tua meravigliosa opera di presa di coscienza delpgli uomini verso la società…

  2. Grazie…hai ragione..chiedo a Marco il webmaster.

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