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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



I have never believed that love can be caged in intellectual, ideological, systems or formulas,… but we can reach it through freedom, which I believe is found in the most radical solitude. We must free ourselves of desire and the eagerness to possess others, in order to arrive at love. When people ask me to speak about spirituality I have no formal definition… but we need to think rather of aspiring to freedom from everything, aspire to reaching a dimension in which we love without conditions, where we can enjoy something, but also nothing. We don’t need grand formulas, but a clean heart, that has nothing more to defend, a heart free of fear and constrictions.

    2 commenti

  1. Grazie per queste bellissime parole. Mi servono in questo momento particolare della mia vita. Gentile Valerio, le volevo anche chiedere dove posso trovare il libro che ha scritto sull’anoressia, visto che sembra essere fuori edizione. Potrebbe per favore darmi delle indicazioni?

  2. ..purtroppo credo che l’editore paoline l’abbia messo fuori catalogo..come altri libri purtroppo….

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