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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



I’ve received many emails asking why I don’t go on television in Italy… I could respond with a simple “I don’t know” or “I haven’t been invited” even if years ago I was on some talk shows… that was enough for me. My so-called colleagues-authors or psychotherapists-that continuously pontificate on television horrify me… I am of the type that still have great respect for others and believe the each of us should follow our own road, our personal journey, the mission that God gave us, which is unique and unrepeatable, never the same someone else’s. True life teachers, mystics and those that are aware, know well that you don’t respond to certain questions… because silence is the fullest and most exhaustive response there is.

    2 commenti

  1. Il silenzio è linguaggio dell’anima, una volta ho letto che la nevrosi è la sofferenza dell’anima, e da lì ho capito che se si vuole vivere nella serenità bisogna ascoltare l’anima, cioè fare silenzio dentro di sè.

  2. Un abbraccio per questa risposta…

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