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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



When someone irritates us or we don’t like them without any apparent reason, we should ask ourselves if the faults of that person are actually the ones we possess, but that we don’t want to admit having. When we have not yet reached full psychospiritual awareness it’s easy to fall into the trap of projection and we tend to see our faults in others. For this we must feel gratitude toward that unpleasant person, who allows us to see our faults, the ones we otherwise keep hidden.

    1 Commento

  1. E’ vero… me ne sono accorta quando non riuscivo più a sopportare alcune colleghe e colleghi di lavoro… Mi sono accorta che sotto sotto agivano come me, avevano le mie stesse “paure” e sensazioni… e, dopo aver trovato antipatica me stessa, ho cominciato a risalire la china…

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