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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


Yesterday on Facebook a friend reminded me how much my old book LAUGH WITH THE HEART had helped him. Rereading it I rediscovered something that I would like to propose for your meditation today:

You must try not to make the same mistake I unconsciously made for years:

That is… identifying yourself in what others (above all those that you esteem or love) think or say about you. …or as a reaction do the opposite of what they think or say about you. Instead you must search inside yourself for your true personality, and follow it. Trust me. In this type of confusion I have already lived and probably will return to one day. On the other hand, we are not alone on this journey, and each of us must find his or her way. Don’t be afraid of this truth. Feel proud of it and laugh with the heart!

    2 commenti

  1. Esattamente in questa confusione ho visuto fino qualche anno fa e cerco di uscire con l’aiuto del Signore……Grazie per i suoi scritti …mi aiutano cosi tanto..mi danno la forza di andare avanti…….

  2. Bellissimo pensiero, le tue parole sono sempre illuminanti e aprono in me profonde riflessioni. Grazie.


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