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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


To understand social dynamics we must understand the psychological dynamics that operate in the person, likewise to understand the person we must we must take into account the sociocultural context in which that person lives.
I’ve realized unfortunately that today, in the third millennium after Christ, humanity did not know how to use the freedom it won to fully express its potentiality. Not only this. It seems that the freedom conquered, even if partial, rather than rendering more aware one’s own uniqueness and unrepeatability, has rendered the individual alone and fragile. Scary.

    2 commenti

  1. ..ci sentiamo veramente soli e impauriti
    quando percorriamo un cammino lontano da Dio
    e dalla nosta anima..

  2. benvenute solitudine e paura!
    le due condizioni ideali per far crescere
    la nostra spiritualità

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