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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita



In the great spiritual tradition the earth is seen as a companion and friend that humans are called to collaborate with. So neither domination, nor exploitation, but cooperation and respect. This type of relationship between people and nature should exist also between male and female; neither superiority nor inferiority, but reciprocity and creativity. In other words, this means that nature will provide for men and women if men and women take care of nature, that the first will be available to the second if these will be available to the first. The earth will produce its fruit if men and women work it with justice, putting it towards the common good and preventing selfish and undue hoarding, into the hands of the few. All of this is written in the Bible: “If you follow my laws… you will have your fill and live in peace” (Lv 26, 3-5)

    1 Commento

  1. salve, ma non ho capito bene probabilmente, però da quello che ha scritto, sembra quasi un parallelo tra la donna e la terra, e l’uomo che deve decidere se e come provvedere.

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