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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


I’m convinced that reaching the serenity of an innocent child–as an adult–means becoming wise. We need to go through a sociocultural conditioning to then be able to undertake the work of discerning, and freeing ourselves from all the useless burdens, constructions, and needs created by the market. Returning to being as we were –fearless, optimistic, happy — after having lived the hazards of life, does not mean being infantile. To the contrary, it is proof that we have become truly mature. It means having truly lived life, having gone through it. Instead, to remain infantile, even as adults – the opposite of innocent children — means never having ever truly lived. Never having even begun the psycho-spiritual growth journey. Never having become mature. Old people with the faces of children. To avoid suffering. To avoid making choices. (Excerpt from ALWAYS PARENTS, Ed. Paoline, 2011).

    1 Commento

  1. Hai sempre le parole giuste al momento giusto, mai smettero di ringraziare Dio di averti conosciuto anche se tramite i tuoi scritti. Grazie Valerio.

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