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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


PSYCHOSPIRITUALITY All of my thinking comes from the assumption of the existence of a spiritual part and its primacy in the person. This conviction brought me to found psycho-spirituality, convinced that one arrives to the spirit through the psyche. The study of personal history, analysis of the personality, of conscious and unconscious motivation, of various experiences with parental figures and relatives, do not resolve the problems but they become spaces where we can...

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Every passage in our psycho-spiritual journey begins with the end of an era. If we remain attached to a person, an era, we aren’t able to advance in our growth and we remain imprisoned in illusion, in dreams. We become sterile from the psycho-spiritual point of view. Before being able to enter into the new, we have to let go of the past, causing changes not only on the outside but above all, inside, in our souls. We have to have the courage to let go that which has past, to...

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All of the books I have written are part of a real search that has marked and marks my entire existence. Since forever. I use my personal experience to try to help the “spirit journeyers” in a historic time in which my contemporaries live deep crises of meaning. A loss of hope. I write for everyone, but above all for those that do not confuse the spiritual search with the role that they wear, that don’t settle for belonging to indoctrinated groups, that think they know...

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Every passage begins with the end of an era. If we remain attached to a person, an era, we cannot go forward in our journey. We remain imprisoned inside an illusion and our psycho-spirituality become sterile. Before entering a new path we have to separate ourselves from the past, provoking change not only outside of ourselves, but above all, inside. Inside our souls. We have to have the courage to let go the things and persons that bind...

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The shadow side, that is all that we have removed into the unconscious for fear of being rejected by influential people in our upbringing, should be known and faced to increase in awareness and wisdom, to be able to reveal all of the richness from the depths hidden in our souls.

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