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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita


We need to begin changing the way we live our days if we want to live full, authentic, spiritual lives. For instance, after the midday meal, a break allows us to live the next part of the day and the evening with renewed energy – just as taking time to reflect during middle-age allows us to live serenely and well the following years of our lives.
If, in the evening, when we return home, we sit in front of the TV in order to anesthetize ourselves in its illusory and unreal world, we’ll never grow spiritually. We should pray and meditate on the sacred texts every morning when we’re full of energy, and in the evening, too, to prepare us to confront the strange, interior images we’ll meet in our sleep. If, in the evening, we neglect to meditate on our lives, we risk arriving at our death unprepared.

    4 commenti

  1. condivido pienamente, soprattutto la parte relativa alla tv

  2. quanta saggezza nelle tue parole!!

  3. Vorrei porre una domanda a proposito di testi sacri. La Bibbia contiene un’infinità di letture e risulta difficile a volte saper scegliere. A parte le preghiere dei salmi, che sono un meraviglioso modo di parlare con Dio, quali libri potrebbero essere per una giusta meditazione adatta all’età adulta?

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