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Valerio Albisetti - Il viaggio della Vita

No Direct Battles

How many times did I battle against my negative thoughts in a way that was too direct! They would go away for a while, but would always return stronger than ever, almost as if instead of overcoming them, my way of fighting rendered them stronger. Then with experience and after a lot of suffering and failure, I understood that the battle against our negative thoughts should be conducted carefully and cleverly. If you like, In the coming blog entries, I will tell you how....

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You must love me…

Even if we shouldn’t have material debts, we cannot escape having relational ones. Because each person close to us is our creditor, in the sense that they have a right to our attention and availability. We are born creditors and are called to become debtors, despite ourselves. We are born with the need to be loved and we are called to love. Translation by Dani Clark...

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